WhatsApp Service Appointment Reminder Bot

I’m sending WhatsApp reminders to your clients who have an appointment scheduled. I will do this 1 day upfront and send the message at 16:00.

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Automatically send customers reminders about their service appointment via WhatsApp!


Start a WhatsApp conversation for every service appointment

By sending automated WhatsApp reminders with every service appointment, a WhatsApp connection is instantly established. Meaning your service advisors can look customers up in the Web1on1 App and start messaging them immediately the moment they drop off the car.


Relevant information immediately available

Because Web1on1 integrates with your planning system, (see list of integrations here) you’re fully aware the moment a WhatsApp conversation is started with the customer. Contact information, car details, and the service appointment instantly become available in the Web1on1 App.


WhatsApp messages are read within 2 minutes!

Did you know that on average a WhatsApp message is read within 2 minutes? So no more unanswered calls and callbacks meaning you can get through to customers instantly. Every single time.



Accelerate the adoption of WhatsApp by your aftersales team

The change from contacting customers by phone to WhatsApp doesn’t have to be daunting for your service advisors. With the placement of QR codes at the counter, customers can trigger WhatsApp conversations themselves easily, unburdening your team of the task of collecting details for every appointment. And to make the transition even smoother, the Web1on1 App automatically inputs the relevant customer data, making it easier to look up customers.


Be in your customer’s contact list

Once you are in contact with a customer via WhatsApp, you’ve made it into their contact list. Offering a multitude of opportunities to build stronger relationships.

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